Exclusive Cakes

Parent Category: Party Shop

Exclusive Cakes

Not only are these cakes delicious, but they are a delight to the eye. Our highly skilled baker makes cakes to remember. See the images in the galleries below. If you do not see what you are looking for, remember that we can match any theme or any occasion.

Cakes need to be booked (email confirmation or payment received) five working days in advance and cancellations need to be no later than three days before the date of collection. Short notice orders such as Wednesday and Thursday orders for the weekend cannot be guaranteed and once booked, can not be cancelled.

Browse our galleries, and use the reference at the top of the image when you want to talk to us about a specific cake.

Please remember to quote the picture title (below the picture) when requesting a quotation or more information.

Cake Galleries

Adult Babies Boys Girls Specialities
Image gallery of adult cakes in new tab/widow Image gallery of baby cakes in new tab/widow Image gallery of boys' cakes in new tab/window Image gallery of girls' cakes in new tab/window Image gallery of speciality cakes in new tab/window


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