Parent Category: Party Shop
Balloon Party Games for Kids

Don't know what to do with your kids at a party? Try these balloon party games!

Name What you need How it Works

Balloon Characters


Create balloon characters with your child and

let their imaginations run wild. This fun art and craft kids activity encourages kids creativity as they learn about various animals, what they look like and how to make them out of balloons!

permanent markers
adult assistance

Help your child blow up the balloons and then deflate them - large round balloons work best.
Place the funnel into the end of the balloon and use a teaspoon to add as much flour as possible.

Next, add drops of water until the flour is the right texture to be shaped and tie the balloon.

Encourage your child to shape the balloon characters using funny or crazy facial features such as big cheeks, pointy ears and squashed

noses. Use the markers to add the finer features.

You now have the perfect characters for hours of imaginative play!

Balloon Ghosts

Create balloon ghosts with your child and let their imaginations take flight. This a fun art and craft kids activity that encourages kids creativity as they create scary balloon ghosts out of balloons!

White balloons
2 white plastic grocery bags per balloon
Black permanent marker

Cut the handles off the grocery bags.

If there are coloured markings on the bag, cut those off too.

Leaving the seam at the bottom of the bag intact, cut the bag into strips so it hangs like streamers from the bottom seam.
Blow up a white balloon.

Tape two of your cut up plastic bags around the bottom of your balloon, so the streamers hang from the bottom (see note).

Draw two eyes and a simple spooky mouth on the exposed part of your balloon using the permanent marker.
Your Balloon Ghost is now ready to hang or fly!



If you plan on hanging your ghost balloons as decorations, tape the plastic bag streamers around the smooth end of the balloon. This is so you can use the tied end of the balloon to attach a string for hanging.
These balloon characters can be turned into jellyfish for an underwater theme - just use lots of tropical colours for your balloons and bags, and draw on a happy face!

Balloon Stomp


Balloon stomp will have your kids bursting with energy as they pop their balloons in search of hidden lollies. Easy to set up and even easier to play, this birthday party game will entertain kids of all ages so get stomping!

an assortment of lollies

Insert wrapped lollies into the balloons before inflating them.

Place numerous balloons all around the room.
Instruct the children to go around the room breaking the balloons and collecting the lollies.

Children will love this and generally go ‘crazy’ bursting balloons and collecting treats.
Remember to have some spare treats on hand for those children who may come up empty handed once all of the balloons have been burst.

Balloon Relay Race


This game is fun for indoor and outdoor parties - just make sure you have a good stash of balloons before you begin just in case any of them unexpectedly pop in the rush of the game!

Some balloons

Instruct the children to stand in two single-file lines, facing forward.

Place a balloon between the knees of the first child in each line.

When the race starts, the first child on each team turns to face the next person in line.

The second child must grasp the balloon with his or her knees and turn to pass it on to the third person, and so on.

If the balloon falls to the ground, the team must start over. The first team to successfully pass the balloon down the line wins!