World AIDS Day is on 1 December. We at Party Shop commit to donating all the profit from the sale of these flashing AIDS ribbons to those who have been affected by AIDS.
We have in the past given assistance to Mother of Peace which looks after children orphaned and abandoned because of HIV/AIDS and other causes. We will give all the profit to this worthy cause, so come on buy some flashy AIDS ribbons and help bring a little light into the lives of these precious children!.
Click here to buy your LED AIDS badges on line.
Hurry! December 1 is around the corner!
A little about Mother of Peace:
Mother of Peace Communities are called by God to restore traditional family life, in particular the Catholic family way of life based on Christian Gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Having regard for the needs, interests, and well-being of the general public, all Mother of Peace Communities strive to meet the particular needs of the area in which the Community lives and operates, by aiding persons in distress. This encompasses, inter alia: caring for abandoned children and providing the structure of a home and family; maintaining language and cultural identities where possible; bringing up children to be responsible members of society; and, providing palliative care to the terminally ill.
Mother of Peace is situated in Lower Illovo, Kwazulu Natal. Although classed as a rural area, we are just 30 minutes from Durban, one of the largest cities in South Africa. Mother of Peace has 41 free standing units and a large double storey building on its property. Of the 41 free standing units, 20 are in the process of being upgraded to house Orphans and Vulnerable children from surrounding communities. Each unit will house six children, together with a house mother.