Parent Category: Party Shop

Our Second Newsletter!

Welcome to our second newsletter. Our aim is to send out one newsletter every month filled with interesting articles related to the celebration of life. So here goes! Please let us know what you like or dislike in this newsletter, and if there is anything you would like to see in future newsletters. EMAIL US

Helium Cylinders for hire
Helium Hire!
Great News!.

You can now hire helium cylinders and regulators (as well as air inflators) from us at incredibly competitive prices.

Read the article here.

Spring_Balloon_BouquetsSpring is Here!

With Spring upon us we have put together two great balloon bouquets that look stunning and will last for weeks.

Read the article here.

My School CareerMy_School_Career_0s

What a brilliant gift idea for expectant moms or 1st birthdays! We at Party Shop like this so much we thought it would be great to add to the newsletter

See this article for an incredible DEAL MAKER.Read More


What to do about those boy / girl parties?

You are having a party and you are having both boys and girls at the party. The usual thing is to do Barbie for the girls, and Spiderman for the boys. This messes with your colour scheme and  theme, and can be a nightmare!  Why not choose a theme that works for boys and girls, and make it fun for all. Read the article here.


Read this newsletter on-line here.